Friday, April 18, 2008

Packing, Packing, Packing... Are you packing?

So, I am happily packing up the store for tomorrows (April 19th) crop. I love crops. For me they are a big social event. What could possibly be better than hanging out with the girls for 12 hours, having someone else prepare lunch, dinner and my afternoon snack and then have that person do the dishes. Sounds blissful doesn't it?

If you have never attended a crop - mine or another stores- you really should. They are a hotbed of creativity and sharing. If you are ever stuck for ideas, just take a look at an album created by someone and you will discover new uses for products and design ideas you may not have thought of. All appears to be fair in love and scraplifting.

As part of you 2008 "to-do list" put attend a crop on it. Here is my calendar of events. Hope to see you at a crop very soon.


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