Monday, June 12, 2006

Gearing up for summer.

I can't believe that the first day of summer is just around the corner and schoool is almost done for the year and before long I know I will hear a Mom or two saying they are ready for their children to head back and not too soon after that I know I will hear the kids saying the same thing.

I have a little over a week to finish getting ready for the 1st Annual Celebrate Summer 2-day Crop and I am sooooo excited to be organizing a 2-day event. I hope that I will continue to see this event grow over the years. My list of things to organize before the 23rd is growing. I have the final catering arrangements to be made, goodie bags to pack, demos items to complete, a store to pack up and of course I need to figure out which of my stuff I'm going to bring. I don't usually bring my own scrap stuff because I feel I need to accessible to my scrapbooking friends, since that is what they are paying for, but I figure in 19 hours of scrapbooking they will get tired of me checking on them and I will be told to go work on some of my own stuff.

I also wanted to share an altered clip board that I completed using my June Memory Club kit. It's a cute project and I am really enjoying the whole altering idea. I have plans to complete a clock, note books, glass bottles and probably whatever else I can get my hands on. Keep checking back to see whatelse I have altered and to find out what I have planned for the summer. Stop by often to see what is happening.


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